Use an iPad in your business

How much you can save depends on how you use the iPad in your business. It will differ for each customer.
For example on of the selling points of an app is that it can save 4 hours per month. i.e. 1 hour a week or 12 minutes per day. Some businesses may save less time, others more. It depends on the scope of utilisation of the app. At a value of £50 per hour this represents £2,400 per annum. With the time saved you can be more efficient.

Saving time can be expressed in monetary terms (see above) but time saved has other benefits such as not having to spend extra time in the office. The time saved can be used to benefit family life, spend more time at the gym etc.
What would you do with the time saved?

The more you can use efficient technology the better off you will be.

Our goal is to help people streamline their business

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