iOS 11 Beta on the iPad is a great upgrade.

iOS beta on the iPad is looking great. A few of the features are mentioned here.-continue reading

Save money by using an iPad in business

Use an iPad to improve your business and save money-continue reading

Efficiency with an iPad

I am constantly amazed at how efficient an iPad can be at dealing with certain tasks.-continue reading

E-mail is a distraction

Why bother?
E-mail is time consuming and distracting. You start an important project and inevitably your e-mail goes 'ping' (or whatever other annoying noise it makes).You look at the e-mail, possibly answer it and then spend another 10 minutes -continue reading

IPad unboxing

I have spent a couple of years with my iPad Air but, like me, it was getting long in the tooth. The technology has moved on so much in even the last two years that the "old" iPad although still very capable has been superseded.-continue reading